Fancy Garden Markers That Last

Looks like the rain has finally come to an end—for now.

That calls for a garden project! Finally! Yippee!


While I was getting the garden cleaned up and getting everything prepared for some new plants I decided that some fun garden markers may help spruce up the area! Most specifically this project would be for my herbs.


I found 5 smallish rocks with mostly flat surfaces and began to work on my creation!



  • Paint the front surface of each rock with the acrylic paints being careful to leave room for the lettering.

  • Adhere the lettering to your rocks. If they do not stick well then add a coat of Mod Podge and let dry.

  • Decorate using gems, glitter and drops.

  • Then spray one or two coats of polyurethane spray to ensure your design remains water resistant while it is in your garden. And that’s it! All done!

I’ve done similar projects before and found that the polyurethane spray really helps the design last for years while it’s out in the garden. This was a fun project that doesn’t require many materials and it really helps add a little whimsy to the garden! 

For another garden project, take a look at the Hello Sunshine Planter!

Happy Spring everyone!

<3 Daniela

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