Last Day Fruit Parfait

It’s always nice to have a quick go to snack when you’re feeling extra munchy. For me, a lot of times, those snacks are not exactly healthy. It typically involves something with gobs of chocolate or something else with tons of melty cheese. Upon finishing these, I immediately experience snacker’s remorse!


This time I wanted to make something on the healthier side that involved fruit! All my aging pieces of fruit weren’t getting any younger. They needed to be addressed (immediately) and I needed to get a snack recipe ready for this blog!

Let the Wheels Turn

Ah ha! Parfaits! That is what I would prepare! So I did and they came out wonderfully! They were amazingly easy to put together and unbelievably filling!

Some Optional Details

For this recipe, you can use whatever kind of fruit you have laying around. I just happened to have an abundance of very ripe strawberries and bananas!


As far as the whipped cream goes, you can use Cool Whip or you can quickly make your own from scratch. I opted to make my own to keep it on the less sweet side. Of course, the choice is yours!


And for the granola, I had some store bought vanilla almond granola that I love dearly. So into the parfait it went!


For the whipped cream

  • ¾ cup heavy whipping cream

  • 2 tbsp confectioner’s sugar (more if you want it sweeter)

  • 1 tsp of vanilla extract


  • 4 large strawberries (3 chopped and one set aside)

  • 1 banana sliced


  • ¾ cup of your favorite granola


For the whipped cream


Combine the heavy whipping cream, confectioner’s sugar and vanilla extract and mix (I used a stand mixer) for about 4 to 5 minutes until it becomes thick with peaks. Then set aside.



Take a parfait glass or glass bowl and start the layering process. I started with bananas on the bottom, strawberries, granola and then whipped cream. I repeated the layering process and topped the last layer of whipped cream with a whole strawberry!

And now it is complete! Enjoy!

<3 Daniela

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